Australian standards = Guidelines setting out specifications and design procedures to ensure products and services are consistently performed to an expected standard.
“Good enough for the Aussie Government" --- "Good enough for the Aussie Hookers”.
I can remember back to when I first started hocking my box as an Escort, (I will not give you the year as that will divulge my age, ladies never do that). I earned the princely sum of $150 for a two-hour Escort booking. The client paid $250 to the agency - or $125 an hour. (me, I got $75 / hour) Escorts were schooled to encourage the clients to talk for the first hour and get to know us. And then fuck for the final hour. We were 'ladies” in every sense of the word.
Fast forward a few decades later, and there are clients now expecting to pay $100 an hour for the full works - one even dared to offer $50 recently. Where did ??????? the oldest profession in the world go so wrong, we are being chopped up in the marketplace by over sees students, sanctioned by our Government who are blind to it (Lol)
Meanwhile the price of a loaf of bread has quadrupled. Do we really know the true value of our beautiful pink muffins?
If we look at inflation rates, that $125 an hour would be worth $300 in 2021. So, why have we ?????? the most gorgeous Escorts in the world, reverted to bargain basement prices in Australia?
The country has gone down the tube, we floated the Aussie dollar (thanks Bob) and fucked all manufacturing in Australia, and now even our Hookers rates are bartered as if we are in the back streets of an oversees country.
You got it, money laundering, floating it back home.
Australia's abysmally loose laws leave loopholes to be exploited by the average Joe, and you do not need to be an Oxford Scholar to do it. (that was Bob, his mates and his yard glass)
Literally millions of Australian dollars are being earned in the adult industry, via the revolving door and syphoned out of this country by very clever unscrupulous operators, who send it home to the many unnamed countries we support, but screw us.
Casinos and good old fashioned bank accounts ensure the money is whitewashed and ends up offshore.
So, the easy to obtain Over Sees Student Visa (OSSV) is exploited for its 20-hour working week. What a laugh, Yes, that is it.
The OSSV or should it be called the “Over Sees Hookers Licence”! Come onboard and suck us dry. (no pun intended)
That visa turns into a Government sanctioned permit to work 24/7 in the nearest brothel. With the odd trip outside to the local Tech School 'sign in' to a class.
On top of that, there are unscrupulous immigration agents that are making a living off the earnings, by inventing religious persecution scenarios for the inevitable Bridging Visa, so the OSSV holder can apply to become an Aussie citizen, and then get a Taxi licence or buy a lotto shop. (Lol)
That if our happy OSSV hooker has not conned a hapless client into marrying her first.
While the Casinos, Banks and Government departments are all hiding behind their moral code of conduct and taking their skim off the top. (Do not worry, all those blokes have a hooker on the side.)
Consequently, the local Aussie hooker is struggling to put bread on the table, because she does not want to do bargain basement prices and live 15 people under one roof.
Her clients who used to pay $300 an hour. Are now mumbling she should do it for $150 "like the other girl did". (and what, with a spittoon and bucket in the corner) And yes - that other girl "did everything".
Our gorgeous Australian Escorts and Hookers once ruled, but due to the introduction of lower standards, we are literally fucked (Lol)
Now the clients are demanding and being appeased more and more - photos, discounts, extra time, and of all things, uncovered sex. (all once strictly taboo)
The boundaries are being pushed, and this intern is lowering our standards we once worked with.
This is encouraging and setting up an unhealthy and dangerous situation.
There are only two rules about who can legally do sex work in New Zealand:
- you must be 18 or over, and
- you must be a New Zealand or Australian citizen or resident.
- You can not be involved in commercial sex services on any type of visa.
A simple industry standard, a minimum standard, like say $200 half an hour would help every girl in the business. Just like you see those tradies advertising "no jobs under $200". It would mean clients expect to pay $200 and no less.
This 'minimum' would attract the inevitable bargain basement brothels to offer shady discounts.
However, perhaps a stigma would finally become attached to these cheap and nasty treadmills and they would be reserved for cheap and nasty clientele only.
It is High Time we develop an industry award, even if just as a guide for new girls as to the bare minimum to expect per hour.
While, I have met some girls, who charge literally thousands, and do nothing sexual and others that charge $30 for everything natural, this industry has well and truly gone to the dogs.
Hookers are supposedly all about strength, self-respect, and empowerment.
And yet, there does not seem to be many demonstrating those values, judged on what the clients feel comfortable demanding these days.
"No money, no honey" Should be accompanied by two greenbacks - and we should not consent to anything less.
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The above article has been written by an individual escort, please note that this article is not written with malice or prejudice, it is an observation of facts made by one of our advertisers. We at Escorts AU Australia believe in truth and honesty, and this beautiful country of ours, allows you as an individual to haves your say.
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