How should an escort be treated?
NZ and Australian escorts have their own preference in contact methods, therefore, read the Escort's advertisement and understand and respect their preference. Follow the instructions of contact to ensure you can communicate with the Escorts. If you use a private number, please beware that you may not get through as most Australian Escorts ignore blocked numbers.
A polite conversation via text, email or a phone call is always appreciated. When you message or call your chosen Escort please include the following information, name, contact number, a small bio, length of booking, in call, out call, and preferred date. If your escort does not respond immediately, they are most likely preoccupied so don’t let that discourage you.
Please be aware that crude and offensive language will not be tolerated by Escorts, being professional about this is more acceptable and will go a long way, rates are non-negotiable and it is seen as a sign of disrespect if you are to try and barter. Most Australian Escorts write a small bio about themselves, about their services and what their preferences are, so please take the time to read it, you will look foolish if you ask the Escort a question you should already know.
All Escorts are different, so their list of sexual services or fantasies will be different, if there is something that isn’t on their service profile, please don’t hesitate to ask when making a booking. Escorts do however clearly state what they don’t do, “My no goes” so please don’t push the limits and keep asking. You may need to provide some personal details, but that is so you can have a secure booking, if you can’t provide them, the booking may not be confirmed or go ahead.
An important step prior to meeting your Escort is cleanliness e.g. have a shower, maybe shave, use a little cologne and use mouthwash, Escorts will appreciate it. If an Escort is doing an outcall and visiting you, then take pride in clean your accommodation, and make sure the bedding is fresh and a clean towel is available. Privacy is very important to both you and an escort. If you are lost or running late, please phone and ask for directions.
An escort may ask for her fee straight up or when you are both comfortable and know the booking is going ahead. Privacy and discretion are a big thing in an escort's life and also yours, so having conversations, stay away from personal lives. A little sense of humour and laughter will always break the ice. An experienced Australian Escort will put you at ease.
Now the fun part, just let the escort lead the way if you are a little nervous, those nerves will be put at ease quickly. Escorts all have boundaries, so please don’t overstep them, it will ruin your booking. If you are enjoying the booking with the Escort and time is running out, by all means, ask if you can extend. If the booking cannot be extended, please don’t be disappointed, politely discuss another time to book.
Escorts work very hard and take pride in the service that they provide, mutual appreciation and respect goes a long way in building a good escort-client relationship. This will pave the way for your next encounter with a hot Australian Escort or Kiwi escort.